Rapid Transformational Therapy - Explained
Every client asks me the same question - 'Whats wrong with me?" I can't stop eating or drinking or I feel depressed etc"
Wrong question.
The real question to ask is - "what happened to you?" The reason for your problem stems from the mind adapting to events in the past. What happens to us in the past shapes how we think, feel and behave as an adult.
RTT reveals the reason and root cause of your problem, and fixes it.
The root cause will be an event you found unpleasant or stressful.
This memory will be stored, filed and hidden deep within your subconscious. They are BELOW YOU LEVEL OF AWARENESS
From this unpleasant event you will have formed negative beliefs & feelings about yourself, others and the world.
These limiting beliefs, feelings and behaviours play out each day just like an 'app' running on your phone. YOU ARE NOT AWARE OF THEM. They act as a blueprint for how you live your life. They drive your thoughts, your feelings, and your bad habits. These beliefs sabotage your life.
So together you and I will FIND the very reason and root cause of why you're sabotaging your life.
Together we'll FIX your outdated and obsolete beliefs about yourself, others and the world that are causing your problem. We'll heal any wounds from your past.
RTT then rewires your brilliant mind with powerful thoughts, empowering feelings & positive habits that reflect YOU today.
You'll learn and take home brilliant brain-based tools, keeping you happy and full of life every day
All of this is done in a safe place where you're free to express feelings without any judgement.
Be reassured you're not alone. You're the same as everyone else. We all have daily thoughts & feelings derived from past events that drive our habits daily. You're choosing to be free of yours!